In 2013, inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York ©, The Humans of Columbia University team (est. Fall 2013) embarked on a journey to collect the numerous unique, yet so-very-Columbia moments that happen everyday. That journey has brought us here.
Whether it’s the quirky classmate you've admired from afar, a professor whose class inspired you, the Halal street cart vendor who has brightened late nights, or the Public Safety officer who hasn’t missed a day of work in years – we invite you to join us on our journey to share some of the beautiful, unique, quirky, humorous and powerful stories made at Columbia, by Humans of Columbia.
Details on how to get involved below!
The Humans of Columbia University team is working to unveil a new portfolio of pictures to be displayed in Lerner Hall beginning in April 2014!
In the coming weeks, borrowing from the Humans of New York © model, students and campus affiliates will be photographed and interviewed randomly on and around campus. But instead of having one "Brandon Stanton" take all the photographs, we will be crowd-sourcing photographs from different members of this community. We're looking for those stories, moments and memories that are special to YOU!
GUIDELINES: Submit new or previously shot (but unpublished) quality headshots and full-body shots of different members of this community. Each picture must be accompanied by a short quote (ideas below!). No more than two people may be pictured in one photograph. Photos will not be edited by the Humans of Columbia team after submission. The photographer must obtain consent from those pictured prior to submitting the photograph for review.
For inspiration, here are some sample questions:
SUBMISSION: Email JPEG (4MB to 8MB) to humansofcolumbia[at] with the following information.
DEADLINE: Sunday, March 30 at midnight
Email us at humansofcolumbia[at] if you’re interested in Humans of Columbia University in any other way. All questions and ideas are welcome!